Monday, November 29, 2010


So Thanksgiving is over. Now it's time to get my house back under control, I feel like I'm finally doing better with keeping my house clean though. When I consider everything "messy" now only takes a few hours to clean up, as opposed to the few days it used to take! I'm not quite sure if we are cleaning up after ourselves better or if my standards just got higher?

FlyLady (link) has helped me so much!! Today we had a challenge to "put out the fires" in our living room. (Fires are just those spots that always seem to attract clutter) I tackled my desk! I haven't seen the top of the desk in at least a month, I remember now (after cleaning) that it's reddish wood!! I went through 3 months of bills, receipts, junk mail and magazines and got everything organized. My living room is company ready now too!

On a much more fun note I have almost all my Christmas shopping done. I can't wait for Christmas. I'm really excited about plans this year. We are going to have Christmas Eve with John's parents and the day after Christmas with my parents. John and I are spending Christmas day together and having Prime Rib for dinner! Yum! Our lights are up, the tree is ready, and the house is decorated... is it time yet?
A clean living room!

Our makeshift mantle... we can't exactly eat at the table, but it's pretty....

I love this wreath! I made it myself, then John found this awesome sparkly G to put in the middle. Perfect!

Oh and I found a couple of cute halloween photos! Here they are too...
I was a fairy, Lady (on the left) got a cape like her daddy, and Esse (on the right) was a cute pumpkin!

John in a scary mask and Lady!

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