Saturday, April 30, 2011

Opening my eyes

John recently introduced me to Michael Moore's films. We are watching Capitalism: A Love Story right now, and the other day we saw Sicko. On the one hand I don't like his films because they are a bit over the top and in your face, but the other hand is there is a very good point being made. Why do we just stand by and let this stuff happen?

I particularly like the quote by John Stienbeck "socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."

The more I look and learn about politics and religion (but that's another post) the more I realize that so many people are just sweet talking us into doing what they want. I'm done with that. I want to be able to go to a doctor when I'm sick and not pay for it for the next year or more. I want to feel safe, I want to be able to trust the people who are running my country. I'm not rich and I never will be in the top 1%. In fact I don't know any person who ever will be...

In some ways I wish the entire economy would just collapse. Maybe we need to go through a period where it is more beneficial to burn our dollar that to keep it. Maybe something that drastic will remind people that it's time to change. I think there is a problem when a woman can die in a hospital waiting room and no one notices for 45 minutes. I think it's a problem when a country that is the "best place on Earth" is trailing so far behind in how we treat our weakest members. According to the UN out of 195 countries we have the 33rd lowest infant mortality, behind not only most European countries, but also: Cuba, Slovenia, South Korea, Czech Republic. The CIA World Factbook puts us down at 46th out of 224. How is this not a problem? Over all our health care (not just infants) falls on the same lines. The World Health Organization ranks our overall health care as 37th. We do win at one thing though: in a ranking of how much the individual pays for health care we come in at 1st place. Oh wait... that's kind of like losing.

I only hope that the people of my generation will start showing up at the polls and make our voices heard. There are more of us, we need to catch up to the rest of the world and fix these problems that were created by a bunch of brainwashed embarrassed millionaires.

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