I'm counting November 28 2010 as day 1, which means I need to complete my list August 25, 2013.
Complete 101 goals that will improve my life or another person's life in 1001 days.
Personal Rules:
1. Goals can be changed, but only if they need to change due to a major change in our life
2. Be specific in my goals, make them all achievable
3. Blog about my progress
101 in 1001
For me:
1. Read 10 Books *Classic or Education* (2/10)
2. Read 3 books that you wouldn’t normally pick (1/3)
2. Read 3 books that you wouldn’t normally pick (1/3)
3. Write a letter to my self to open on Aug 25 2013
4. Research graduate schools
5. Ride Sasha
6. Write a book
7. Write a list of 50 things I like about myself
8. Take a class that sounds interesting (local class)
9. Take a HyVee cooking class
10. Buy and feel hot in a little black dress
11. Learn more about politics for the 2012 election
12. Don’t complain/be negative for 1 week
For my body:
13. Lose 100 pounds, and keep it off
14. Run a 10 K with John
15. Complete the Two Hundred squats program
16. Complete the Two Hundred sit ups program
17. Do a walk for a cause
18. Have a meatless meal once a month (5/32)
19. Bike to the winery
20. Take 5 classes at the ARC (or some other workout class) (0/5)
21. Eat a healthy breakfast every day for one month (0/30)
22. Bike to the store at least 50 times (0/50)
23. Give up soda and milk chocolate for 1 month
24. Stretch every day for a month
25. No fast food for a month
26. Caffeine free for a month
27. Make food from a culture I never have before (ex. Indian)
For my marriage:
28. Have a date night every month (5/32)
29. Take a vacation to the west coast
30. Take a vacation to Williamsburg
31. Have a romantic weekend (ex. bed and breakfast)
32. Get our own cell phone plan
33. Kiss under fireworks
34. Write a letter to John for our 10th anniversary
35. Try 5 restaurants we haven’t been to in CoMo (1/5)
For others:
36. Donate to goodwill at least once a month (5/32)
37. Send thank you notes
38. Make Mom's pillows
39. Put change in an expired parking meter
40. Volunteer somewhere
41. Help John write/edit his defense
42. Research job opportunities for John
43. Leave 50 positive notes
44. Call grandparents 3 times just to say hi (0/3)
45. Go on a trip with Mom
46. Let someone cut you in line
47. Give Papa some deer
For the environment:
48. Use only reusable bags for 1 month
49. Start recycling cans and glass
50. Plant a tree
51. Start a compost
For my home:
52. Keep the outside of my house well kept
53. Complete all FlyLady challenges for a week at least 5 weeks (0/5)
54. Make pillows for couch
55. Build a piece of furniture
56. Finish our head board
57. Repaint a room of the house
58. Maintain Roses
59. Plant tall grasses
60. Put in gutter guards
61. Get family recipes
62. Clean John’s closet in Grubville
63. Buy feather pillows
64. Frame posters
65. Frame John’s PhD
66. Process deer with Mom
67. Host a holiday dinner
68. Grow a Christmas cactus
69. Refinish a piece of furniture
70. Start an EBay account and sell something
For the future:
71. Write a letter to my future daughter to read
72. Write a letter to my future son to read
73. Pay off all credit card debt (and keep it under $500 total on all credit cards)
74. Have a savings account with at least 1-3 months of expenses
75. Start 2 CDs each with $1000
76. Put $5 in an envelope for every goal completed
For kids:
77. Talk to a doctor about getting pregnant
78. Get Pregnant
79. Start and finish fabric baby book
80. Finish baby quilt
81. Make list of possible baby names
82. Get Lady's Started title
83. Teach Lady to take casts
84. Breed Lady
For fun:
85. Learn to play and bet at poker
86. Play a full game of golf (18 holes)
87. Go camping
88. Be able to make a recipe book program on the computer
89. Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter in the alphabet (11/26)
90. Go to a play
91. Go to the orchestra
92. Go to an opera
93. Go paintballing
94. Go to an amusement park
95. Distill whiskey
96. Take Paige and Reese to the zoo
97. Watch Paige and Reese for a weekend/week
98. Knit or crochet something (scarf, socks, ect.)
99. Learn basic French
100. Create 5 items (sewing) (0/5)
101. Finish painting Christmas decorations