
John decided he didn't want me to have all the fun with the 101 in 1001 list, so he started one too! And then decided I get to maintain it... what a loving husband.... Anyway, there are some duplicates, but the principle is the same. John is starting his list Nov. 30 2010, which makes his last day Aug. 27 2013.

He's a little short, but he might add more...

John’s 101 (62) in 1001

For Me:
1.    Try out WoW
2.    Build new computer
3.    Learn to program in Python
4.    Write a list of 50 things I like about myself
5.    Read 10 books for fun (0/10)
6.    Learn to ride a horse
7.    Hunt on base
8.    Go muzzleloader hunting
For my body:
9.    Reach 275 lbs
10. Reach 250 lbs
11. Reach 225 lbs
12. Reach 200 lbs (and stay there)
13. Fit comfortably in a size 38 jeans
14. Jog 3 miles in 30 min
15. Jog 3 miles in 25 min
16. Jog 3 miles in 20 min
17.  Jog 10k with Heather
18.  No alcohol for a month
19.  No fast food for a month
20.  No smoking for a month
21.  No smoking for six months
22.  No soda for a month
For us:
23. Make Heather breakfast in bed once a month (5/32)
24. Have a date night once a month (5/32)
25. Take Heather to movies (0/4)
26. Write a letter to Heather for our 10th anniversary
27. Eat wedding cake top on 1st anniversary
28. Vacation on the west coast
29. Vacation in Williamsburg
30. Have a romantic weekend get away
For Career:
31.  Earn a PhD
32.  Pass Comprehensive (Jan 7, 2011)
33.  Write Comprehensive
34.  Pass Defense
35.  Write Dissertation
36.  Meet with Navy Recruiter
37.  Take Navy Exam
38.  Apply for jobs
For the future:
39.  Quit smoking by time first child is born
40. Have $20,000 in IRA
41. Start 2 CDs each with $1000
42. Write a letter to my future son
43. Write a letter to my future daughter
44. Call Dad Dad
45. Tell Mom I love her
For House:
46.  Clean out rose garden
47.  Shelves for garage
48.  Finish headboard
49.  Clean my closet in Grubville
50. Host a holiday dinner
51. Build something
For fun:
52. Go backpacking
53. Go duck hunting
54. Have Paige and Reese spend the night
55. Go to a play
56. Go to the orchestra
57. Go to an opera
58. Go paintballing
59. Play laser tag
60. Go to an amusement park
61. Distill whiskey
         62. Take Paige and Reese to the zoo